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Sex and relationships

Sex and relationships


Decreased Libido in Sexual Relationships

Lack of Passion in Sexual Relationships - en

Forums for women are crammed with the exclamations, such as “My sexual partner does not want me anymore!”, “My husband and I have been living together for ten years already, we love each other very much but we do not have sex anymore!”, etc. We so frequently hear about the fact that sex drive between the spouses decreases with time that we already accept it as a norm. What is the cause of the decreased libido between the spouses? Can it be avoided? Can it be overcome? Or is it the inevitable evil that we simply have to put up with?....

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Sex and relationships


Myth and Reality of Sexual Duration

Sexual Intercourse duration - en

It has been considered for a long time that a healthy sexual intercourse bringing maximum satisfaction to both partners must be rather long in duration. An ideal sexual partner was pictured in a woman’s imagination as a man with a big penis and a great sexual performance, able to have sex all night long. The research has proven that an average woman needs approximately thirteen minutes to reach her orgasm. While only three minutes are sufficient for a man to ejaculate. The so-called premature ejaculation has appeared to be a rather usual phenomenon, that is why in a great number of cases it can be regarded as a man’s acceptable sexual behaviour....

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Sex and relationships


8 popular questions about potency and erection

8 popular questions

To start with we shall clarify what the potency and the erection is. The potency is the ability of the body to have sexual intercourse. More often it concerns the male body particularly. Meanwhile, the erection is a quite specific increase in the penis size and its hardening necessary for sexual intercourse. When a man is sexually aroused a certain area of the brain responsible for sexual function reacts. This center is excited and sends nerve impulses to the genitals. The man gets increased blood pressure, breathing becomes more frequent, the penis fills with blood, increases and becomes stiffer. When this mechanism has even a minor failure, erectile dysfunction occurs.

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