
Mens health

Premature ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation
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Premature ejaculation is a rapid achievement of ejaculation, the climax of sexual arousal, premature climax or early ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is one of the most wide-spread forms of erectile dysfunction, which has been experienced by nearly every man at least once in his life. The main symptom of premature emission of seminal fluid is an almost uncontrollable ejaculation before the penis enters the vagina or soon after it. As a rule, ejaculation problems lead to mutual dissatisfaction of both partners and give rise to a suspicion that the failure will be repeated disturbing a man even further.

Usually ejaculation is considered to be too rapid if it starts within 1-3 minutes after the penis enters the vagina, of course on condition that a partner did not manage to achieve orgasm. Premature ejaculation can happen even without the introduction of the penis. In rare cases it can be achieved with a complete absence of penile erection.

What is the cause of premature ejaculation experienced by mature men? Most frequently the problem lies in a long-term sex abstinence. Premature ejaculation can also be triggered by psychological factors, such as stress, failures, depression (even short-term and not major). Besides, a man should pay attention to the medications he is currently taking, since very often premature ejaculation can be caused by administration of particular drugs, especially hormonal ones.

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Besides, such a sexual dysfunction can be the result of insufficient communication between the sexual partners.

As a rule the following two groups of premature ejaculation causes can be distinguished:

  • Changes in the central nervous structures;
  • Changes in the peripheral nervous structures, that is increased sensitivity of glans penis.

A great number of sexual pathologists are convinced that the main cause of premature ejaculation is the nervous haste during a sexual intercourse especially among teenagers. Besides, they enumerate a range of interpersonal factors: the fear of sexual relationships, sexual conflicts, lack of trust between the partners, etc.

In the vast majority of cases the problem of premature ejaculation can be solved on its own in some period of time. To increase this probability physicians recommend to limit smoking, alcohol drinking, besides they suggest using a condom which helps to decrease the sensitivity of the penis.

There exist various techniques which help to learn how to delay the moment of ejaculation, a doctor can recommend one of them to the patient. Besides, the doctor can suggest trying to cope with this problem by means of psychotherapy, changing the psychological attitude towards sex.

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Medicinal treatment is also greatly practiced. Decreasing the sensitivity of penile receptors is one of the main approaches in premature ejaculation treatment.

Most of all the recommended medications are aimed at the reduction of sexual arousal speed. Sometimes antidepressant drugs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are used to reduce anxiety. Occasionally men make use of anesthetic creams, but such creams are likely to reduce the sensitivity of a partner too.

There also exists microsurgical treatment which implies denervation of the penis. After a certain operation the patient experiences a total anesthesia of the glans penis, with time a normal ejaculation reflex develops, which in the future will help the patient to control the duration of a sexual intercourse. The sensitivity of skin and the glans penis will be completely restored in 6-8 months.

As you may see, there exist a lot of methods of treatment, so those men who have faced this problem should not despair but consult a doctor and choose a solution.


Every fifth man in the world suffers from premature ejaculation. There are special exercises to extend the time for ejaculation

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